Fall Feasts

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Abide in the Vine Retreat
to Oct 11

Abide in the Vine Retreat

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NKJV

This retreat will be a special time of clustering together as we learn to “ABIDE in the Vine” and bear much fruit during this feast of Celebration and Harvest!


There will be a villa available to stay in (resort style) as well as a nearby hotel.

We also have the privilege of having Pastors Brent and Jodi Bailey along with Calvin & Camel there for a special time with the Youth/Young Adults (12-22 years old) in their own house!


If you are staying at the house it will be approximately $250 per person based on double occupancy for 2 nights and 3 meals. *see below

  • Rates will be based on double occupancy - if you desire a private room the price will be a little higher & if you share with multiple people, the price will be a little bit lower.

  • Rates will also vary based on whether you stay in the villa or hotel & how many people you share a room with.

Dates: October 9-11th

We recognize that the 10th is a week day, it is also a national holiday so schools, banks and a lot of business are closed.

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